Woopi Carnival

The Woopi Carnival is an all-age carnival held in the middle of January each year.

The 2025 carnival has been postponed and no new date has been confirmed

The 2024 carnival attracted over 160 athletes from 21 clubs.


Thanks to everyone who attended the Carnival on Saturday and Sunday. It was a huge turn out with over 160 competitors from 20 clubs. There were a couple of very close results, with just a few milliseconds between 1st and second place. I covered a lot of ground on Sunday and I was so happy to see the new friendships formed and so impressed by the amazing attitudes of our competitors at all ages. There is something fantastic about 3 year olds and 80 year olds competing on the same day in the same space! A big thankyou to the WAC Committee and their spouses and family members for all their work before, during and after the carnival. And a big shout out to all the volunteers, from all the clubs - whether it was helping at canteen, on BBQ or out on the field.  We hope to see you again next year! Congratulations to our Age champions and Opens Pentathlon and Throws Pentathlon winners. We will be in touch regarding your medals.

Matt Evans

FINAL RESULTS : Posted 18th January 2pm

Sunday age champions, scores and results (PDF) -
Sunday Seniors Pentathlon Results (XLS)
Saturday Throws Pentathlon (XLS)


Entries list (Published 12th January 2024 10pm | Final Timetable


Our 2024 Carnival was Sunday 14th January 2024.
The Opens/Masters Throws Pentathlon was held the afternoon before (Saturday 13th) at 4pm
Cost was $10 per athlete, with a $40 cap per family (same household).
This includes the Saturday throws Pentathlon for seniors/masters. If you only want to compete in the throws Pentathlon, the cost is $5

U6s to U17s:
ONE age champion per age per gender. No other medals awarded. In the event of an age champion tie multiple medals will be awarded.

Max 5 events allowed per athlete towards age champion. If registered for more events, the athlete must specify the 5 point scoring events before the day of competition or the club will randomly choose the 5 events.
No event changes on the day. Exception by appeal to the Chief marshal (Club President) in the event of an injury - for example switching to discus due to an injury preventing sprinting.

Athletes may not add in an event on the day just because they performed below expectations in one of their choices or missed one of their events. Athletes who miss an event due to unforseen circumstances may appeal to the chief judge. No points will be awarded to an athlete for competing in extra events. If the situation is discovered after carnival day during points tallying, the athlete will have their points removed for that event only and all athletes below will move up one place.

POINTS: Maximum achieveable points = 25pts.  5 points for an event win. 4pt for 2nd, 3pt for 3rd, 2pt for fourth. All other finishers get 1 point. DNFs, No height recorded and 3xFouls will be awarded a point. In an event tie, we will will use countback for all jumps. * Individual throws are not measured, so in the event of a tie in a throws event, equal points will be allocated. (Example 2 x 1st place, no 2nd place.)

Spikes and blocks allowed for U11+ only. No spikes in the walk.

Gold, SIlver and Bronze awarded per gender for the best combined results in the Throws Pentathlon (Saturday) and the T+F mixed-gender pentathlon (Sunday) using the masters 2023 age calculated results, prior to assigning points, to ensure fairness across a wide age range. Athletes must attempt all 5 events to qualify for a medal.

Seniors atheletes can compete in as many other events as they would like for fun!


* Note: in 2023 we did not award a point for DNF, no height recorded or 3x fouls but we will from 2024. We also allowed both athletes to score the same points in the event of a tie (For example Long Jump results for the top 3 athletes of 3.65m, 3.65m and 2.95m resulted in 2x 1st place and 1x3rd place) But from 2024 we will do countback for all jumps.


Our 2023 carnival was a smash with over 140 athletes participating on the Sunday!

Results for the Sunday competition. (PDF)

Results for the senior's outdoor T+F pentathlon

Results for the Saturday afternoon throws pentathlon (XLS)

Well done to all our winners. We will be in touch regarding getting your medals to you.

