Mid-North Coast Cross Country

The Mid-North Coast Cross Country series is a fun, family event for all ages. It runs Sunday mornings from April to August with 2km, 5km, and 10km options.
This long-running series covers various beautiful locations along the Coffs Coast, taking advantage of Parks, coastline beaches and headlands.

There are various locations from Sawtell to Woolgoolga.

Follow us on our FB page: https://www.facebook.com/MidNorthCoastXC


The series is licensed with CHCC. Woolgoolga Athletic Club is the licensee. All runners must be a member of an ANSW or Little As club. 

Not a member?
We have a special discounted membership for the Cross country winter season.
$30 for adults and $20 for Under 18s. $15 from each membership goes to ANSW to cover insurance and the rest goes towards medals and awards.
The club does not make a profit from these runs. This will cover you for the entire winter season for both Sundays and Mondays. This replaces the gold coin payments on the day.
Register here: https://www.woolgoolgaathletics.com.au/registration/
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