Our Monday fun runs start Monday 7 April 2025 and are run until the last Monday in September.
You can choose to do one lap - 2.5km, two laps - 4.8km or three laps - 7.1km.
While we have the light, we run a 4:15pm, 4:30pm and a 5pm wave.
From mid May to early August we run a 4:00pm, 4:15pm and 4:30pm wave - but if you are doing 1 lap and you move pretty quick, you can take off as late as 4:45pm.
The start and finish line is next to ammenities block at our grounds. (Solitary Islands Sports Ground - behind the tennis club)
We look forward to seeing you there.
We have created a special discounted membership for the Cross country winter season.
$30 for adults and $20 for Under 18s. $15 from each membership goes to ANSW to cover insurance and the rest goes towards medals and awards.
The club does not make a profit from these runs. This will cover you for the entire winter season for both Sundays and Mondays. This replaces the gold coin payments on the day.
Register here: https://www.woolgoolgaathletics.com.au/registration/
Choose: Cross Country Community
The circuit.
There are two versions. Both runs start and finish at the Woolgoolga Sports Grounds, behind the tennis club.
The red line is common to both runs. Head out of the oval, up towards the highschool. Stay to the right at the top of the steep path and run along the road edge past the highschool until you come to the sharp bend in the road. Head to the left towards the houses and run along the grassy section at the back of those houses. Head right at the end of the houses into the forest, for a mix of tight and wide trail (watch the tree roots!). There are two right hand 90 degree turns which are pretty obvious. After running the straight flat section, north of the water (recently upgraded by council), you'll come to a small bridge. Just after the bridge there is a fork:
- The blue section is tight windy single trail that can get wet and muddy after the rains. It's definetly true trail! After popping out of the forest onto the oval, turn right and head west along the path back towards the finish line or to run another lap.
- The alternative is to stay straight at the fork, running the white section for a shorter wider forest path and and then do an out and back add-on at the oval. As you pop out of the forest, turn left continuing south along the footpath, past the long jump pit. About 10 meters before the bridge you'll see a turnaround arrow on the path. Do a 180 and head back up the path and then join onto the circulit again heading west towards the finish line or to run another lap. This version is slightly longer as the runner is able to open up much more on the straight flat than in the tight forest section.